The Smiley Face Gets its Comeuppance -- Finally!
Tonight's performance of "An Adult Evening of Shel Silverstein" at the Obsidian Art Space was satire renewed and refreshed. In one of the ten short acts (they are so short that you are left wanting more) titlted "Smile," Bender and his henchmen drag Gibby into a room and throw him to the ground. Gibby protests that he hasn't done anything wrong, but Bender and the others know better. They have found him to be the man responsible for the '70s smiley face and the phrase "Have a nice day," and they're going to make him pay!
Todd Greenfield plays the poor tormented creator of the 1970's smiley face who has committed these outrageous crimes. The play is directed by Eliza Seabolt-Esparza and Jonathan Harvey. The space is intimate and perfect to catch the nuanced acting but also the slap-stick, comedic melodrama of some of the vignettes. What a great evening of fresh grown-up theatre.