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Winter Soup features Baby Bok Choy and Corn

Last night I made this soup and also some corn bread. It warmed us into the whole evening. WSoupBokChoysml.jpgThe recipe for the soup:
In 3 quarts of cold water place
3/4 cup Shitake mushrooms, sliced
3/4 cup large dice white onion
3/4 cup celery cut into 1" pieces
1/4 cup carrots peeled and cut into 1"pieces
1 tspn black peppercorns
1 garlic clove
1 bay leaf
1 strand of Rosemary or 2 of thyme
Cover and bring the water to a boil. Then simmer slowly for 45 minutes.
2 medium size red wax potatoes cut into 2"cubes
1 onion, quartered
2 corn husks, cleaned and quartered
1 cup carrots peeled and cut into 2 inch pieces
1 cup celery cut into 2 inch pieces
2 teaspoons salt or less (or a little more) depending on your want.

Simmer the soup for another 45 minutes uncovered so that the liquid reduces by approximately 25%.

Add 4 to 6 baby bok choy during the last 15 minutes of cooking.

Serve with slices of corn bread. Enjoy.


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