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June 17, 2003

Cartoons: War and Religion

Here are some more animations that you may be able to project in class, discussion groups or just enjoy at your desk. First, some links from the site, thequickie.com, about Iraq, War, Religion. The first is a game that is on their homepage now called "Test Your Faith." I've played it twice and both times I can't seem to be able to save poor George W.
Another is called, "God Bless America" and features Jesus as the HUD Director. Again I have to credit Mary Hess for letting me know about this in her weblog.

Grande Mesa posts commentary and news about the Iraq war and aftermath. It is irreverent and wonderful. I am glad to say that the founder of this Chicana, chicano website is from San Antonio. Here is a commentary on the ridiculous deck of playing cards featuring the most wanted Iraqi's.

Of course, here's the link to the very funny satire site everyone talks about, The Onion.

Finally, here's a group that links digital art and performance to explore the war as a natural partner to technology, corporate growth and surveillance. Browse through the website of Los Cybrids (But be careful. Their jokes and irreverence can frighten you. The joke about a virus scared me, but there was actually no virus. Too bad it's the end of their touring performance of "El World Brain Disorder: surveillance.control.pendejismo," that explores, according to them, "the often hilarious dysfunctional convergence between surveillance technologies, military industrial complexes, the national police state and fundamentalist extremism that is accelerating the hyper-globalization of catastrophe and inequality."


Posted by Adan at June 17, 2003 11:47 AM


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