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June 11, 2003
Today I received an invitation to a performance by a local Houston band, "NTX&THEELECTRICSUTTEE." The name, Suttee, gives me the opportunity to tell you about a "must see" film by Anand Patwardhan that members of the study commission saw in Bangkok in July 2001. The film is "Father, Son and Holy War".
FATHER, SON AND HOLY WAR explores in two parts the possibility that the psychology of violence against "the other" may lie in male insecurity, itself an inevitable product of the very construction of "manhood."
Anand Patwardhan's films continue to be blocked from viewing. This year this happened at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC
The video price at Icarus First Run Films is way too expensive for any individual to purchase, and this problem is widespread among most independent filmmakers. You might write directly to Anand Patwardhan and at least congratulate him.
Posted by Adan at June 11, 2003 03:18 PM