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August 02, 2003
Resources at WACC Vancouver
During the WACC meeting of the central committee here in Vancouver, BC, Canada, I presented a seminar about media from a cultural perspective, shifting away from instrumentalism. The discussions and friendships during this event are affirming.
As promised, these are the handouts in case you want to either read them online or download them:
Mary Hess, Ph.D. writes about the religious imagination and religious education. It is an invitation to not juse "use the media" but to rethink our education project.
Fabio Pasqualetti, Ph.D. maps out the aspects of digital culture that have implications for religious educators.
David Morgan, Ph.D. promotes the art of listening to and accompanying their congregations and parishioners. This checklist about how to listen, ethnography, relates to still images but can be modified for use with TV, movies and film.
The video, "The Child, the Slums and the Pot Lids" has a reference in an earlier log entry, June 23,.
Posted by Adan at August 2, 2003 12:23 PM