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September 04, 2003

Children and TV

I´m attending the annual seminar, ¨Creadores de Imágenes Cristianas¨ in Santiago, Chile. The director of research for the national television council (equivalent of the FCC in the US), María Dolores de Souza, presented some of the research on children and TV in Chile. It is fascinating to see the mix of both quantitative and qualitative research. One of the findings is that children, on their own, re-signify the cartoons and other programs that they see. They do this by drawing and acting. They re-signify violence by drawing pictures of the same TV images but with the violence taken out. Their website has much info. It´s in Spanish.

Put this on your calendar if you want to enjoy Rio de Janeiro while soaking up research about children and TV. The 4th World summit on Media for Children and Adolescents, April 19-23, 2004.


Posted by Adan at September 4, 2003 12:54 PM


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