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November 12, 2003

Child Soldiers

It is 15 minutes past midnight. I'm deeply troubled by a documentary I saw last night on HBO2, "Child Soldiers." Terrible images and interviews with children who have been through the hell of soldiering in Uganda, Sudan, Burma, Colombia and Sierra Leone. This documentary, produced by Electric Pictures, examines the complex issue of recruitment, kidnapping of children to become brutal child soldiers. For those who escape or who survive the fighting – there are daunting post-conflict challenges that lay before them.

The documentary premiered in October and is being re-run. One way we can help is to make links to the website of the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers.


Posted by Adan at November 12, 2003 01:11 AM


I am surprised how the media has not discovered these horiffic events. I only came across them myself when researching Latin American events.

Posted by: latinopundit at November 14, 2003 11:47 PM

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