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November 18, 2003

permanent, monogamous vows

YES! Massachusetts' highest court ruled today that the state cannot deny gays and lesbians the right to marry and ordered the state's lawmakers to devise changes in the law within six months.
Alaska and Hawaii, when faced with such a decision, passed constitutional amendments against gays and lesbians. We'll see how this goes.
Go to Mary's blog for a concise, insightful comment about what this is really about: "Far from detracting from marriage, I think that this kind of decision supports it, because it validates the reality that significant benefits accrue to people who make permanent, monogamous vows to each other. Having been married for fifteen years myself, I know how hard it is to sustain this kind of relationship, and I think those of us committed to doing so need all of the help and support we can find -- regardless of our gender."


Posted by Adan at November 18, 2003 04:34 PM


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