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December 02, 2003

Geneva Summit

I'm in Amsterdam and keeping an eye on the upcoming "World Summit on the Information Society" (WSIS), a full UN Summit that will be held in December 10-12 in Geneva with a second meeting in Tunis in 2005. Early hopes that the WSIS would tackle a broad range of information and communication issues have been dashed and the agenda that has emerged is concerned mainly with telecommunication and internet related issues, viewed from a technical perspective and a narrowly construed development agenda. Broader communication and media issues, an essential feature of any information society, and human and communication rights that must animate its core, have been largely sidelined.

Stay in touch about the continuing efforts by a coalition of civil non-governmental agencies to make communications rights the center of regulatory policy. See: World Forum on Communications Rights.

Posted by Adan at December 2, 2003 05:04 AM


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