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April 06, 2004

Fun and Sinister?

How do we distinguish and make choices as we live through "wheat and chaff" situations all the time? Degree zero blogs about the Nina Simone protest song, "I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to be Free" as it is used to sell Coca Cola. As I saw this commercial, I was perhaps not terrified, maybe horrified, certainly deeply saddened. It is like watching a book being burned or beautiful music destroyed.

I ask myself if I am over-reacting to the necessary commodification that goes on all the times with various aspects of our lives, much of which is fun and enjoyable, even enriching. I think in this case it is obscene. I don't know how you react when you watch it. It's the second commercial, "I Wish."

Posted by Adan at April 6, 2004 06:23 PM


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