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April 23, 2004

I'm in meetings in Netherlands

I'm in meetings in Netherlands all day and into the night, so no blogging time. I will point out that during the meeting I ran into a forceful social justice/service program, Caritas in the UK and Wales. When it comes to social justice and action, I like websites that are direct and to the point. Caritas in the UK, Wales Caritas in the UK and wales, is rich with information and easy to access, easy on the eyes. Sarah Lindsell, directs this service agency and the site makes it clear that they are there "to promote the rights of children, families, adults and communities who are marginalized and excluded in society today.

To promote these rights, those with power must be persuaded to act more justly and in a way that serves the common good."

I love the clarity and resolve.

Posted by Adan at April 23, 2004 01:49 AM


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