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July 14, 2004

Sonic Arts and Hearing Impaired

I am constantly impressed by the number and quality of media arts centers across the US. These centers are dedicated to community and the aesthetics of beauty and justice.
In Seattle, serving the Pacific Nortwhest, is Jack Straw Productions, devoted to sound art.
They've just announced a "Blind Technology Access Initiative."

Audio technology is becoming predominantly computer-based, and requires sight to navigate a mouse and read the visual sound waves on a monitor. This limits access to audio production for the visually impaired, and requires the help of a sighted person. Jack Straw Productions recently acquired audio production equipment and software that makes it possible for visually impaired musicians, composers, radio producers, and audio engineers to independently record and produce their own work. It is the only blind accessible audio production equipment and software setup available for public use in the Pacific Northwest.


Posted by Adan at July 14, 2004 05:06 AM

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