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April 19, 2005

The Pope is Elected

The one good thing about today's white smoke at Vatican Square is that young people learned that the Pope is elected. This fact can lead to the election of bishops by lay people.

Actually, another good thing is that the television coverage of so many old men sleeping together in a "men only" club is so strong and so out of touch, that it will help to further dismantle the institutional exclusion and oppression of women.

All in all, after feeling disappointment, I'll choose to say that it was a good day for the church,,,,this learning from negative examples.


Posted by Adan at April 19, 2005 03:34 PM


I thing the election of new Pope is a sorpreise. But, the presence of television and others medium's make a interesting effect in the people. We will see how the Church living this new phase.

Posted by: RoD at April 20, 2005 07:15 PM

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