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September 06, 2005

Katrina Sites That Are Useful

Another day at the Astrodome has brought some hope for the Katrina survivors as some are locating family members through Internet searches. Yesterday, after repeated attempts, I found the 17-year-old daughter of a father who had fled to Houston. She had been evacuated to Mississippi. I'm beginning to fear the worst for so many whom we have been unable to locate.

These are the databases that have been more reliable than others and the ones that I search more often. Yahoo Katrina Message Boards The Yahoo search engine is now programmed to search other databases, including the Red Cross site and it also searches the text area of postings. Hurrah for Yahoo!
Family Messages
Gulf Coast News
Craigs List
The Red Cross

There are other sites that are useful and you can find them at the yahoo Katrina resources page.
If you find other sites that are working and useful, please let me know.
I return to the tech center at the Astrodome today as the task moves to locating housing. There is also a big task helping the survivors file assistance applications with FEMA. If you can take a laptop with Internet connection and volunteer at a shelter, they can use you. Time is of the essence here because the Astrodome cannot for long be a healthy and safe place. It is too crowded, bathroom plumbing keeps breaking down, shower facilities are scarce. Illnesses spread easily in these conditions, so we have to move quickly to find housing.

Posted by Adan at September 6, 2005 12:53 PM


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