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May 09, 2006
The Yes Men
Last night I saw "The Yes Men" documentary on the Sundance channel. It is hilarious. These guys actually succeed in impersonating World Trade Organization Personnel at trade conferences. They arrive at the selected conferences and after being greeted formally, obsequiously by the conference organizers, they proceed to make a bogus WTO powerpoint presentation.
They extol free market ideas, pushing them to their logical, hideously inhumane conclusions. Dressed in suits and totally straight-faced, they make the case for world domination beyond governments, beyond democracy, beyond morals. Example: Partnering with McDonalds, WTO will recycle human feces from people in rich countries and, after processing them, make hamburgers, at a cheap cost, for the poor countries. This is illustrated with an outrageous animation. Most of the conference participants keep taking notes, nodding. I gasped when I saw this.
Luckily, at a university gathering the students pelted the presenters in anger -- hurray for students.
The DVD is available for purchase. It's great.
Posted by Adan at May 9, 2006 10:46 AM